Visit of Khenpo Karma Sopa to TDS Centre Malaysia 26-Jan to 25-Feb 2019

Khenpo Karma Sopa was born in 1983 and took refuge under the previous Dilyak Dabzang Rinpoche who gave him the name Karma Sopa. From an early age he entered into Tana Monastery, Tibet, to study reading, writing and memorizing text for which he obtained high honors. In 2001 he entered into Sherabling Shedra (Institute for Buddhist higher study) in India where he studied all the Buddhist Philosophy, Literature, Poetry, Grammar and Buddhist History, etc. After studying nine years he graduated from Shedra, top in all the exams. According to the Shedra rule, he offered his service to Sherabling for three years after completing his nine years’ studies. In that period, he was sent to Tana Monastery to teach the Tana Monks for one year and he taught in Sherabling Shedra itself for two years.

In 2017 he was appointed and enthroned as Khenpo in front of hundreds of Monks by HH Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche. Besides the Shedra studies he has received many Empowerment and Meditation instructions from HH Tai Situ Rinpoche, Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche and Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche including Empowerment and Transmission of Five Great Treasures, 13 Marpa’s style of Tantric practice, Tripitaka, Mahamudra Meditation and many others.

Khenpo Karma Sopa is fully ordained by HH Tai Situ Rinpoche. At present he is working in Sherabling to create the Buddhist Monlam Dictionary under the direction of HH Tai Situ Rinpoche.

Jang Tana Thegchok Norbu Chosling Monastery